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The StartUndefined element is to be used when the start of the Performance is not known. It is optionally permitted to supply a StartAfter and / or a StartBefore child element to give an indication of when the Performance may start.


Optional. Boolean, default false. If there is more than one performance which has an unknown start time then this should be set to true. If the actual number of performances is known, then the correct number of Performance elements should be created. Additional supporting information can be provided in the sibling Description elements.
May Contain
XML Date. Optional. The StartAfterInclusive is a suggestion as to a date when the unknown Start of the Performance is likely to start on or after.
XML Date. Optional. The StartBeforeInclusive is a suggestion as to a date when the unknown End of the Performance is likely to start on or before.
Contained Within
[*], optional, not permitted in combination with <StartDateTime> or <StartDate>

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Next: 1.2.4 <DropInEvent> Up: 1.2.3 <Performance> Previous: <StartDate>   Contents   Index
Alex Fiennes 2010-04-13