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1.4 Shared Definitions

If a Supplier is creating an IVES message that refers to the same real world entity in multiple locations within the document or within multiple documents then there a number of steps that can be taken to ensure that this data sharing is explicit in the IVES markup.

The shared entities should define a supplierSpecificId (see [*]) so that the shared elements are unambiguously referring to the same entity. This removes the potential duplication, but it does potentially leave you with a document that contains a lot of duplicate information. It also means that each successive definition of an entity would override the meta-data from an earlier definition which might also lead to inconsistencies.

If you want to remove the duplication, then one creates a definition element that defines the definitive description of an object. The definition element is held in the <IvesMessage> but outside the hierarchy of any particular <Event>.

Every time that a Supplier wants to refer to this definition then they use a reference element. The reference element can be used instead of an explicit inline definition for the object and is a pointer to the definition element. Consumers that are parsing an IVES message should then relate the data contained in the definition element to all reference elements that refer to it.

The following list is all of the elements that support definition and reference objects: It is also worth noting that references can be included in other definitions. For example, a <VenueDefinition> may contain <ContactReference> elements that point at <ContactDefinition>s which themselves contain <LinkReference> to <LinkDefinition> elements and so forth.

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Alex Fiennes 2010-04-13