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1.2.2 <Schedule>


May Contain
[*], optional. This provides the way to assign a public title to a <Schedule> which may be useful to describe the grouping that a particular <Schedule> embodies.
one of the following may be optionally defined. If so then they override from the corresponding value defined in the containing <Event> and will apply to the contained <Performance>s. If it is not defined then the location will be inherited from the value defined in the <Event>.

optional. If this is defined then it will replace the definition of <Tickets> in the containing <Event> for the contained <Performance>s. If it is not defined then the pricing will be inherited from the value defined in the <Event> (if any).
optional. If this is defined then it will replace the definition of <PerformanceDefinition> in the containing <Event> for the contained <Performance>s. If it is not defined then the duration will be inherited from the value defined in the <Event> (if any).
[*], optional and repeatable. This will define any descriptions that apply to all the performances contained within this schedule. It will replace the contents, if defined, of the <PerformanceDescriptions> contained in the enclosing <Event>. Please note that it may be itself replaced by a <PerformanceDescriptions> defined on a contained <Performance>.
[*], optional and repeatable. This will define any links that apply to all the performances contained within this schedule. It will replace the contents, if defined, of the <PerformanceLinks> contained in the enclosing <Event>. Please note that it may be itself replaced by a <PerformanceDescriptions> defined on a contained <Performance>.
[*], optional and repeatable. This will defined any properties that apply to the performances contained within this schedule. It will replace the contents, if defined, of the <PerformanceProperties> contained in the enclosing <Event>. Please note that it may be itself replaced by a <PerformanceDescriptions> defined on a contained <Performance>.
compulsory and repeatable. Each <Schedule> must contain at least one <Performance>
The following meta-data elements apply to the <Schedule> itself, not to the performances contained within the <Schedule>. They are therefore not overrideable and if this is the objective then the <PerformanceDescriptions>, <PerformanceLinks> or <PerformanceProperties> elements should be used instead.
[*] ([*]), optional and repeatable.
[*]([*]), optional and repeatable.
[*], optional and repeatable.
Contained Within
[*], compulsory and repeatable.

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Alex Fiennes 2010-04-13